Who are the wives of the Prophet Ibrahim?

مواضيع مفضلة

August 16, 2018

Who are the wives of the Prophet Ibrahim?

The levels of the state or the tribe in which they lived, for example, the Prophet of God and Khalil Ibrahim - peace be upon him - to challenge his people, and take them shook; destroyed and destroyed them, and then attributed the destruction to the large, It will be a lesson for those who are not considered. The wives of our master Abraham, may God bless him and grant him peace, four wives, and a statement to them: Sarah, Her father, Haran Aku (Tarikh), the father of Ibrahim peace be upon him, and it was said: Her father Haran was king of Harran from the land of Babylon. Sarah went out with her husband Ibrahim, peace be upon him, his brother Nahor, his wife a king, and his nephew, the prophet of Allah Lot - and his wife to the land of Palestine. They lived in a small village called Hebron, The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, called upon the Prophet of God, Ibrahim, and asked him about her. He said: "She is my sister, so Sarah was brought to the king. When he saw her, He became more fascinated by it, and the closer he wanted to approach her, the more she took ablution and prayer "So he took the king and fell unconscious, and then he woke up and returned the ball again, so Sarah did as she did in the first, and fell unconscious three times, he was afraid and panic, [1] Sarah then returned and her husband emigrated to the land of Hebron, and after eight decades of the age of Ibrahim - peace be upon him - he did not have a son, Sarah told him to marry from Hajar, and carried Hajar and gave birth to Ismail, and Omar Ibrahim - peace be upon him - then Eighty years later, thirteen years after the birth of Ismail, Ibrahim - peace be upon him - and his wife Sara al-Bushra came to their son Isaac, peace and blessings be upon him, and Sarah died after God gave her a sacrifice - Isaac and Abraham - peace be upon him - in a cave he bought from a man His name was Afron ibn Sakhr. [1] Hajar was peace. Hajar - may Allah be pleased with her - was a slave in the Pharaonic palace before she was loyal to Sarah, the wife of Abraham, peace and blessings be upon him. The Pharaohs were chosen by the pharaohs to work in the palace. Hajar - peace be upon her - the Prophet of God Abraham, and then traveled with him and his wife Sarah to Palestine, and married the Prophet of God Ibrahim, and gave birth to their son Ismail, peace be upon him, and then went by the Prophet of God Ibrahim and her child to the Hijaz, to the land of Mecca, And she went to the valley of Makkah, then Marwa, and she looked at anyone, so I did it seven times, so the journey between Safa and Marwa. [2] Mrs. Hajar died in Makkah and Ibrahim was not present She was an anisa in Makkah in the absence of his father Ibrahim. [2] Qantura Qantura, a daughter of the Canaanite woman, was married to the Prophet of God Ibrahim after the death of her father, His wife Sarah and Hagar gave birth to six brown men: Midian, Zumran, Sarag, Yekshan and Nafq. He did not mention the name of the sixth son, and her offspring were Madinites; they returned to Midian. [2] Salam - after Gantora, and born him: Cissan, Surge, Umayyim, Lotan, and Nafs

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