To treat dark circles

مواضيع مفضلة

August 15, 2018

To treat dark circles

1 - tea bags

You can use black tea bags after using them and cool them to put them on your eyes to treat dark circles.

2 - cold cotton balls

Use frozen cotton balls and keep them on your eyes for 10 minutes that can get rid of dark circles.

3. Option slices

You can use the option slices by putting your eyes to get rid of the effects of fatigue and treat dark circles.

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4 - rose water

You can use rose water in the process of revitalizing the area around the eyes and then treat the dark circles by placing a piece of cotton in rose water on your eyes for 15 minutes, this routine can help you to get rid of dark circles completely.

- Take care of your eyes if you use your computer for long periods of time

Make sure you are working in front of the computer in a well lit area and do not look at the screen for a long time. The best rule to follow here is to look at objects at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes while working on the computer.

- Use of sunglasses

Protect your eyes from harmful sunlight by wearing sunglasses whenever you go out, where vision problems occur because of repeated exposure to sunlight.

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